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SASLab Manual

Curve window : Edit

Smooth The data record is averaged (moving average). The number of consecutive samples specified in the Average over list box are accumulated and divided by that number. The corresponding bandwidth of the averaging process is displayed under corresponds to.

Power spectrum If the displayed data record is an amplitude spectrum, it can be converted into a power spectrum using this command.

Normalize to maximum The displayed data record is normalized to its maximum. The maximum will equal to 1 Volt. If the data record is a power spectrum the maximum will be 0 dB.

Reset Shape Resets the frequency response shape to 1.0 at all freqeuncies when using the Time Domain FIR Filter (User-defined option).

Invert Shape Inverts the frequency response shape when using the Time Domain FIR Filter (User-defined option).

Normalize Shape Normalizes the frequency response shape to 1.0 when using the Time Domain FIR Filter (User-defined option).

For measuring the data record, two reticule cursors can be activated. This is done by clicking into the region at the left of the Y-axis followed by dragging the mouse cursor to the desired X-position of the data record.

Avisoft Bioacoustics last modified on 01 December 2023