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SASLab Manual

Spectrogram window

The spectrogram window is launched from the main window command Create Spectrogram . It supports in-depth spectrographic analysis and measurements. The time and frequency resolution of the spectrogram can be adjsuted from the main window command Spectrogram Parameters... or from the the specrogram window drop-down command WavFile > Spectrogram Parameters... .

Measure time and frequency parameters either manually using the cursors (Tools > Cursors>) or automatically using the Automatic Parameter Measurements tool (Tools > Automatic parameter measurements ).

Export spectrogram images as grapgics files (File > Save Spectrogram Image... ) or through the Windows clipboard (File > Copy Spectrogram Image ).

The Spectrogram window contains the following drop-down submenus:


Avisoft Bioacoustics last modified on 21 December 2018