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SASLab Manual

Real Time Spectrograph : Record > Automatic Response Settings

The Automatic Recording option of the Real-Time Spectrograph and the Automatic Parameter Measurement / Classification option can be combined in order to immediately generate an Automatic Response to acoustic events depending on the recognized class of event.

Response to acoustic events depending on the recognized class of event. Responses can be either simple playbacks of pre-recorded .wav files or more complex modified echoes of the original sound event. This feature enables sophisticated playback experiments for investigating animal communication.

The Automatic Response Settings dialog box allows defining the desired response for each class:

The listbox on the top of the dialog box lists all available classes. Additionally, there are entries for unrecognized elements ? and wildcard * responses. To specify the response for a class, select the corresponding line on the list and select the type of action from the Action listbox. If the action specified for the wildcard * class is not no response, this action will override any other actions specified on the other classes. Some actions require to input a filename or another text string as a parameter.

The following response actions are available:

no response No response will be generated.

play .wav file The specified wav file will be played back.

run another program The specified program will be executed. This option could be used to run custom-written .exe programs in order to realize special responses (by remote-controlling external systems via IO interfaces: e.g. triggering a feeding machine for learning experiments or switching lights on or off). If the option Append file name is activated, the file name of the underlying .wav file is added as a command line argument. The option Append channel number will add the channel number to the command line, enabling multi-channel operation.

DDE transaction XTYP_POKE, DDE transaction XTYP_EXECUTE A command or data string is sent to another application via Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE). SASLab acts as a DDE client with the wType parameter set to XTYP_POKE or XTYP_EXECUTE. The DDE parameters for this transaction are defined on the parameter field (instead of a filename) as follows:
Application; Topic; Item; Data/Command string
The semicolons act as delimiters between the DDE parameters. Note that the DDE parameters for this response action are completely defined on the parameter field. The separated DDE Parameters / Log File dialog box is used for measurement data export only. The DDE transaction facility allows the user to program more individual responses (e.g. by a Visual Basic program receiving these DDE commands). If the option Append file name is activated, the file name of the underlying .wav file is added to the data/command string. The option Append channel number will add the channel number to the data/command string enabling multi-channel operation.

echo The original sound event will be played back.

echo, Reverse The reversed event will be played back.

echo, Change Volume The original sound event is modified according to the settings made on the Edit/Change Volume command.

echo, FIR filter The original sound event is filtered according to the settings made on the Edit/Filter/Time domain FIR-Filter command.

echo, IIR filter The original sound event is filtered according to the settings made on the Edit/Filter/Time domain IIR-Filter command.

echo, FFT filter The original sound event is modified according to the settings made on the Edit/Filter/Frequency Domain Transformation command.

echo, Time/Pitch Conversion The original sound event is pitch-converted according to the settings made on the Edit/Format/TimePitch Conversion command.

resynthesis, Scale The spectrogram is first scanned for the fundamental frequency and amplitude envelope according to the setting made on the Synthesizer command Tools > Scan frequency contour and amplitude envelope…). The fundamental frequency and amplitude envelope will then be modified according to the settings made on the command Tools > Scaling…. This feature allows modifying the fundamental frequency without changing the temporal properties or modifying the speed without changing the fundamental frequency.

resynthesis, add parameter from .ARR file The spectrogram is first scanned for the fundamental frequency and amplitude envelope according to the setting made under the Synthesizer command Tools > Scan frequency contour and amplitude envelope…).. The synthesizer parameters (amplitudes of harmonics or amplitude and frequency modulation) stored in the specified .arr file will then be added to the arrangement. This feature allows adding harmonics or modulations to whistles.

increment RECORDER file number The current .wav file number of Avisoft-RECORDER is incremented. This option allows filtering events saved by the RECORDER software. This mechanism requires that the Increment option of the RECORDER configuration is not activated. Additionally, the Autotransfer to SASLab and Wait for Avisoft-SASLab options must be activated. With the appropriate classification settings in SASLab Pro, the RECORDER will then only save those events that contain at least one element of the associated class.

The select file button allows selecting parameter files.

The echo and re-synthesis actions require that the original sound event is loaded into the main window. Therefore, the Automatic Recording option Autotransfer event waveform must be activated for these actions. For all other actions it is sufficient to activate the Autotransfer event spectrogram option.

delay The response is delayed by the specified duration.

repeat xxx times The response is repeated according to this entry.

Append file name If this option is activated, the complete .wav file name will be appended to the actions run another program and DDE transaction XTYP_POKE / XTYP_EXECUTE. The format is as follows:
example: /file=C:/RECORDER/CHANNEL1/T0000001.WAV

Append channel number If this option is activated, the channel number of the .wav file will be appended to the actions run another program and DDE transaction XTYP_POKE / XTYP_EXECUTE . The channel number is extracted from the path name of the .wav file. The path name must include the string channel followed by the channel number. For example, channel number one should have the string channel1 in its path name.
The format is as follows:
example: /channel=1

Send acknowledge to Avisoft RECORDER If Avisoft-RECORDER is used as recording front end, it may be useful to establish some kind of handshaking between RECORDER and SASLab. Otherwise endless loop situations may occur because played responses can trigger the RECORDER again. Therefore, this option should be activated when Avisoft-RECORDER is used. The option Wait for Avisoft SASLab of the RECORDER configuration dialog must be activated. Using Avisoft-RECORDER as recording front-end has advantages over the Automatic Recording option of the SASLab Real-time spectrogram.

Play response through Avisoft RECORDER If this option is activated, all playback responses will be routed via the Avisoft RECORDER software. This would enable ultrasonic playback by using a high-speed data acquisition / playback device.

Enable Automatic Response Enables the Automatic Response tool. In addition to that the Real-time spectrograph command Record > Automatic Recording > Autotransfer Event spectrogram or waveform, the main window option Actions > On new sound file > Create Spectrogram and the Enable automatic measurements option from the Automatic parameter measurements setup must be activated in order to make the complete response process working.

When the Automatic Response mode is activated, the measurements will be automatically exported (copied into clipboard, transferred via DDE or written into a LOG file) Use the DDE/LOG button to activate DDE or LOG file data export. This may be useful for protocol purposes during long-term monitoring.

Prepare! All settings necessary for setting up the Automatic Response option feature will be made at once.

Avisoft Bioacoustics last modified on 19 September 2019