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SASLab Manual

Spectrogram window : File > Data export

Copy measured value Copies the last measured value (frequency, time or duration) into the clipboard (ASCII format).

Copy t1, t2 Copies the start and end time [s] of the marked section into the clipboard.

Copy energy of marked section Copies the energy [V*V*s] of the marked section into the clipboard. If the large rectangular eraser cursor is activated, the energy is computed for the marked frequency range only.

DDE Parameters / Log-File...

Copy ASCII Spectrum The spectrum visible on the left of the spectrogram is copied into the clipboard (ASCII format). The magnitudes are normalized. The single values are separated by tab stop control characters (HT). At the end of the line is the frequency distance between two lines in the unit Hertz. This line is terminated by Carriage Return and Line Feed (CR/LF) control characters.

Copy ASCII Spectrogram The currently visible spectrogram is copied into the clipboard (ASCII format). If there is a marked section only this section will be copied. Note that large spectrograms can't be read from the clipboard by some applications. In this case use the file save option to export spectrogram data.

Copy ASCII Frequency versus time In case additional Spectrogram information (Maximum, Median, Quartiles) has been activated, this function allows to copy the frequency versus time series into the clipboard (ASCII format). The time [seconds] of each frequency sample [Hz] is listed in the first column. When the Maximum option is activated, the amplitude [dB] at the maximum is listed in the third column. This format supports a XY display in spreadsheet applications.

Copy Envelope into curve-window If the envelope display above the spectrogram is enabled it can be copied into a separate curve-window. This can be done also by double-clicking at the envelope image.

Copy Spectrum into curve-window If a spectrum display is enabled it can be copied into a separate curve-window. This can be done also by double-clicking at the spectrum image on the left of the spectrogram.

Mean Spectrum of entire spectrogram The mean (averaged) spectrum of the entire spectrogram (not only the visible section) is copied into a separated curve window.

Copy Spectrogram into 3D curve-window The marked section of the spectrogram is displayed as a 3D graph. This command can be executed alternatively by double-clicking on the marked section. Please keep the size of the spectrogram (FFT Length and duration) as small as possible. Large amounts of data will dramatically slow down the 3D display.

Power Spectrum If this option is checked the power spectrum is copied instead of the magnitude spectrum when the function above is executed.

Avisoft Bioacoustics last modified on 29 April 2019