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SASLab Manual

Main window : File > Specials > Shred into numbered files...

This command copies the currently opended file into a set of smaller sequentially numbered files.

The original file remains unaffected. By default, the filename of the first file is T0000001.WAV. The new files will be copied into the specified Destination directory.

file duration Enter here the desired duration of the new files (the last file may be shorter).

file overlap The file overlap determines, how many seconds consecutive files will overlap.

The option keep the original filename will include the name of the original source file into the file names of the new files.

The option add time offset to filename rather than file number will replace the file number by the time offset relative to the start of the original file. The time offset is formatted as follows: _hhmmss.

Avisoft Bioacoustics last modified on 13 January 2019