SASLab Manual
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Zoom After opening a sound file, the whole file is displayed on the main window represented by the waveform (top) and spectrogram (bottom) display. Use ths command to zoom into a subsection of the file. The cursor will change into a vertical arrow. Left-click at the desired start point and drag the cursor to the desired endpoint of the section to be zoomed in.
Alternatively, zooming can be accomplished by double-clicking at a previously marked section or by using the mouse wheel while the Ctrl key is being pressed.
The visible subsection of the file can be moved by dragging the scroll bar at the bottom of the window or by using the mouse wheel.
To display the whole file again, execute the command Tools > Unzoom .
The previous view can be retrieved from the command Tools > ZoomPrevious .
Unzoom The whole sound file is displayed inside the main window.
Zoom Previous This command retrieves the most recent view of the sound file.
ZoomIn Zooms into the waveform by factor two.
ZoomOut Zooms out of the waveform by factor two.
Zoom 50% Overlap Adjusts the zoom factor in such a way that the spectrogram overlap parameter is 50%.
Zoom 1:1 Adjusts the zoom factor in such a way that the a single pixel of the screen exactly corresponds to a single sample of the wavform file.
Zoom to interval... Zooms according to the defined duration.
Scroll >
left Moves the current view to the left.
right Moves the current view to the right.
begin Moves the view to the start of the file.
end Moves the view to the end of the file.
ZoomIn Envelope Display Y axis Zooms into the Y axis of the waveform
ZoomOut Envelope Display Y axis Zooms out of the Y axis of the waveform
Normalize Envelope Curve Display This (permanent) option adjusts the Y axis in such a way that the whole amplitude range of the waveform is visible.
Remove Marker Removes the current marker.
Set Marker...
Set Marker Duration...
Copy Measurement values t1, t2 Copies the time measurement values t1 and t2 into the clipboard. Additionally the data set can be transferred to other Windows applications by DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) or it can be stored into an ASCII-log-file.
This can be specified on the drop-down command Tools > DDE Parameters / Log-File....
Cursor linkage between Instances…
Labels >
DDE Parameters / Log-File...
New line in DDE export (Excel) Inserts a carriage return control character into the Excel spread sheet or log file.
Touch screen optimizations...
Batch processing...
Real-time processing...