SASLab Manual
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Main window : File > Heterodyned playback mode
The Heterodyned Playback dialog box allows to playback (full spectrum) ultrasound recordings that have been sampled at high sample rates just like on a heterodyne bat detector in order to make the ultrasounds audible to the human ear.

Once the option enable heterodyned playback has been activated, all subsequent playbacks will be performed with the heterodyne settings selected in this dialog box.
gain Because the limited bandwidth of the heterodyne method often reduces the playback sound level, it is possible here to boost soft sounds by increasing the playback gain setting.
bandwidth Select here the bandwidth of the heterodyne bandpass filter. A common setting would be +- 3 or 4 kHz.
center frequency Adjusts the desired center frequency (tuning frequency) of the heterodyne playback engine. The frequency can alternatively be tuned by the horizontal slider at the bottom of the window or (when the cursor option has been activated) by the frequency cursors of both the main and spectrogram window.