SASLab Manual
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Main window : File > Configuration >
These menu options support fast switching between different parameter settings. The different settings are saved in separate configuration files (*.ini). The name of the current configuration file is displayed at the caption of the main window. By default, the configuration files (*.ini) reside in the folder /Documents/Avisoft Bioacoustics/Configurations/SASLab.
Open... Loads a previously saved configuration.
Save Saves the current configuration.
Save As... Saves the current configuration under a new file name (*.ini).
Reset Resets the configuration to the default settings.
Save mode on exit > Save current configuration automatically When this option is checked, the current configuration will be saved automatically each time the software is closed down.
Save mode on exit > Prompt When this option is checked, the current configuration can optionally be saved each time the software is closed.
Open mode on start > Open last configuration automatically When this option is checked, the last configuration used will be opened automatically each time Avisoft-SASLab is started.
Open mode on start > Launch Open dialog A file open dialog asking for the configuration to be used will be launched each time Avisoft-SASLab is started.
There are three command line parameters for SASLAB32.EXE that override the configuration file modes described above. Note, that the keywords must be written in uppercase letters.
/INI= The configuration file name (*.INI) specified behind this keyword will be used instead of that specified by the ‘Open mode on start’ settings.
Example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Avisoft Bioacoustics\SASLab Pro\SASLAB32.EXE /INI=narrow.ini
/CFG= The save and open modes for configuration files are saved in an additional higher order configuration file. The standard file AVISOFT.CFG can be overridden by this command line parameter. This allows you to prepare different open and save modes.
Example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Avisoft Bioacoustics\SASLab Pro\SASLAB32.EXE /CFG=AVISOFT2.CFG
Another possible command line parameter is the file name of a sound file, which should be opened on program start. There is no special keyword required for this mode.
Example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Avisoft Bioacoustics\SASLab Pro\SASLAB32.EXE demo.wav