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SASLab Manual

Main window : Metadata > mXML measurements >

This submenu provides commands for managing measurement data that are embedded into the .wav file. This measurement logging functionality can be activated from the command Metadata > mXML measurements > Enable mXML data logging or from Tools > DDE Parameters, Log File… If activated, the measurements will be saved into an application-specific RIFF chunk titled mXML each time when a measurement copy command is executed. The logged measurement data can be viewed and edited from the command Metadata > mXML measurements > View entries… In addition to that, the individual mXML datasets of a bunch of .wav files can be collected and queried from the command Metadata > Create Metadatabase…

Enable mXML data logging This option enable the mXML data logging mode. If activated, the measurement data will be saved into the application-specific mXML RIFF chunk, each time an copy measurement command is executed.

View entries… The mXML Overview window displays the mXML measurement data. There are two list boxes. The list box on the top shows all mXML data records, indicating the type of measurement data and the date, when the measurements were taken. The other box at the bottom shows the content of the currently selected data record.

Copy: Copies the selected ASCII-formatted (TAB-delimited) data record into the clipboard.
Delete : Deletes the selected XML-formatted data record.

Copy Copies the XML-formatted mXML data into the clipboard. These data can then for instance be pasted into the Microsoft XML Notepad.

Remove This command will completely remove the mXML RIFF chunk from the .wav file.

Save As… Saves the mXML data into a .xml file.

XML View… Launches the selected XML viewer application (command Metadata> Select XML viewer...) and displays the mXML data record(s) within that application.

Avisoft Bioacoustics last modified on 16 February 2019