SASLab Manual
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Main window : Tools > Labels > Export label data
The Export label data dialog box allows to export labels either as a series of binary (0 | 1) values or a set of time / frequency stamps.
binary time series
This option exports the labels as ASCII-formatted binary time series.
The temporal resolution of the time series can be specified in the corresponding edit field. The resulting sample rate is displayed below.
The labeled sections are represented as “1”. The remaining segments between them are set to “0”. CR/LF characters separate the subsequent binary samples.
time / frequency stamps
The time and frequency stamps of the labels will be exported as an ASCII table. The individual label coordinates are separated by tabulators.
Insert CR/LF In order to separate related measurements (belonging to a syllable or song), it is possible to insert new line control characters (CR/LF) depending on the selected option:
if label text equal to ‘.’ If there is a dot (period) in a label text, a CR/LF will be inserted and the next label will be on the next row. In this way it is possible to group subsequent labels (e.g. for exporting frequency contours of subsequent sound elements). The spectrogram window command Tools/Automatic Parameter measurements/Copy peak frequencies into labels will create the dot delimiters for the last sample of each element automatically.
after each label A new line will be inserted after each label.
if label text is not empty A new line will be inserted if there is any label text.
if interval > threshold A new line will be inserted if the time interval between the current and the preceding label is larger than the specified threshold.
Add label text If activated, the label text string will be exported as well.
Copy Exports the data through the clipboard.
Save… Saves the data into a .txt file.
More label export options are avalable from the following commands:
Tools > Labels > Export labels into .txt file...
Label settings...